The modern bus has provided a great service to society, and it’s being used by more people than ever before. Not only does the bus serve as an effective and convenient mode of transportation for those who do not own their own vehicle (or who do not want to deal with traffic), it also helps to alleviate congestion and reduce the number of cars on the road which also helps the environment. But buses, as critical as they may be in many ways, are not without safety problems. For example, commercial buses were involved in over 500 crashes, and school buses more than 250, in a single year alone in Pennsylvania. Fortunately, the number of fatal bus-involved accidents remains low; however, these crashes can leave those involved with serious injuries. If you or a loved one has been involved in a bus accident in our state and needs help recovering compensation and bringing forth a claim, our Pittsburgh bus accident lawyers are here to help. A bus is a very large vehicle, and one that can be difficult to maneuver. Because of its sheer size, if a bus is involved in an accident, the damages that result may be very serious (mass increases force). The types of bus accidents that can occur are varied – our lawyers are well-versed in multiple bus accident claim types and can competently serve you and your best interests throughout the claims process. If you have been involved in an accident involving a commercial bus, public bus, or school bus and you have suffered injuries, call our law firm. Chances are your claim will be complex, and there will be special rules and regulations that apply. Our lawyers have extensive experience with these types of cases, and we can help protect and preserve your right to compensation. Getting to the bottom of why a bus accident occurred is an important part of determining liability and ensuring that you’re bringing forth a claim against the correct party. One service that our lawyers will perform when you hire us is to open an investigation into your case, which may include working with a variety of experts, including accident reconstruction experts. Top causes of bus accidents include: Once we identify the at-fault party, we can start building your case and issue a demand letter. In a standard motor vehicle accident case, a driver will usually file a claim with their own insurance company or the insurance company of the other driver. The standard statute of limitations will apply, and there will be no additional regulations or rules that apply outside of the ordinary. With a bus accident, however, this is not always the case. While standard personal injury rules may apply if you are bringing a claim against a private bus company, if the accident involved a public or government entity, special rules will apply. You will be held to a strict six-month deadline during which you must inform the entity of your intent to sue (you will still have two years to actually file the lawsuit). If you don’t file the notice of intent within the six-month time period, your lawsuit may be dismissed. Going up against a big company or a government entity also means that you’ll be facing pushback from highly paid and aggressive lawyers whose job is to devalue your claim and either find grounds to deny your claim or offer you as little as possible. By working with one of our experienced lawyers, you can be sure that you have a highly skilled advocate on your side who is looking out for your best interests. Even if you’re not sure whether or not you’re ready to file a lawsuit, talking to a lawyer about your case can be worthwhile. At Caroselli, Beachler & Coleman, L.L.C., our lawyers prioritize communication and honesty. We can review your case free of charge and help you to understand what the next best steps are. If you’ve been injured in a bus accident, you deserve to be compensated for the full extent of your economic and noneconomic losses. When you retain our legal team, we will start working on your case immediately. We provide free consultations, and we take motor vehicle accident cases on a contingency fee basis – which means no out of pocket risk to you -. To speak with one of our Pittsburgh personal injury lawyers today, please send us a message, visit our office in person, or call us directly at (866) 466-5789.Pittsburgh Bus Accident Attorneys
Types of Bus Accidents
Causes of Bus Accidents
Why You Need an Experienced Pennsylvania Bus Accident Lawyer Handling Your Case
Start the Process of Recovering Compensation Today
Bus Accidents
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20 Stanwix Street, Suite 700
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Phone: 412-391-9860
Toll Free: 866-565-4949
Fax: 412-391-7453