Senior Citizens and Car Accidents

Understanding the Impact of Car Accidents on Senior Drivers

The older population is growing at a never-before-seen rate, thanks in large part to overall slowing population growth and improvements in healthcare. Between 1920 and 2020, the aging population grew from less than 5% of the population to almost 17% of the population. This growth rate is almost five times the growth rate of the average population. It should come as no surprise that aging drivers make up a growing portion of drivers on the road throughout the United States. When they’re involved in crashes, they are affected in ways that other drivers may not be.

If you’ve been injured in a crash, having the right legal representation is key. Call Caroselli, Beachler & Coleman at 866-565-4949 to set up a time to talk to our team now.

Begin Your Path to Justice Today

The idea of contacting an attorney can seem overwhelming, but it’s a completely normal part of the process. At Caroselli, Beachler & Coleman, L.L.C., we understand that you might be hesitant to reach out, and we work hard to make the process as smooth and straighTforward as possible. We offer a free consultation where you can discuss your concerns without any pressure or obligation.
During our conversation, we’ll listen to your story, answer your questions, and outline your legal options. Talking to us doesn’t mean you’re committing to take legal action; it’s just about gaining clarity on how to move forward. We’re here to help you understand your situation better and explore what your next steps could be.
Remember, you are not alone in this process – we’ve been guiding individuals like you for over four decades. Take the first step today; it’s your opportunity to take control of your future.

Increased Risk of Physical Injury

When seniors are involved in car crashes, they are at much greater risk of physical injury than other drivers. Age-related changes are inevitable, and they include more porous bones, weaker muscles, and an overall decreased ability to recover from physical trauma. A car crash that may result in minor injuries for a middle-aged individual could leave a senior driver in physical therapy for months on end.

Furthermore, aging drivers are also at higher risk of complications resulting from injuries. Consider an average bone fracture. A younger car accident victim may simply need the affected limb cast for several weeks until it heals. An older driver may need a longer recovery time, lots of rehabilitative treatment, and a greater risk of blood clots that can be life-threatening.

Finally, don’t forget the fact that many older adults have preexisting medical conditions that can complicate any other injuries they sustain. Conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis can impact the severity of injuries and their ability to heal.

Psychological Effects of Collisions

It’s no secret that car accidents can have significant psychological effects on victims. Senior drivers may experience increased anxiety and depression after a crash. Some may become afraid of driving, even if they’ve driven the rest of their lives without being involved in a crash. The realization of your own mortality can be frightening, and a serious car accident or one that could have been serious may leave senior drivers worried about the future.

While most victims recover from the psychological effects of a crash with time and rest, others may go on to develop PTSD. PTSD may result in isolation from loved ones, avoidance of reminders of the accident, refusal to drive, mood swings, and unwanted reminders of the collision.

Financial and Insurance Issues

In addition to the physical and mental impacts of a car crash, senior drivers often struggle with the financial issues that come with a collision. Even with insurance covering their damage, drivers may have to pay a deductible—and they may see their insurance rates increase dramatically. Seniors often lived on a fixed income, and any change in monthly expenses could leave them deciding between paying bills and putting healthy food on the table.

If their insurance rates increase enough, they may even be unable to afford their car insurance going forward. This has a ripple effect on other areas of their lives, often resulting in a loss of independence.

Limitations on Independence

Perhaps one of the worst outcomes of a car accident is a loss of independence. If a senior driver is at fault for an accident, they may choose to give up their license themselves. They may even be required to, depending on the cause of the crash. In other situations, their children or other loved ones may urge them to give up driving. Even if it’s in their best interest to do so, this is a huge loss that can leave seniors feeling depressed, dependent on others, and caged in. If this does happen, it’s crucial that the senior’s loved ones step in to help them feel involved, independent, and free to reach out to others for help.

Choose Caroselli, Beachler & Coleman for Your Car Accident Claim

Have you been injured in a crash? If so, don’t wait any longer to find out if you’re entitled to compensation. Set up a consultation with our team of Pittsburgh personal injury lawyers by calling us at 866-565-4949 or getting in touch online.